Blog No. 59: The Immateriality of Art

I only rarely talk about my images in part because words are icons of ideas and ideas concern materiality unless used for special purposes; one must think of something.

Art deals with the supernatural, as I recently discussed in these blogs. Even the poet uses words only esoterically, pointing to the supernatural experience of something. In the opera “Pagliacci,” the clown (pagliaccio in Italian) Canio has married a beautiful young “Columbina,” a manipulative tart, and given her a home off the streets where he found her. She falls for a younger man and as Canio puts on makeup for the show he sings “Vesti La Giubba” (On with the show); the most moving line is: “ridi pagliaccio” (laugh clown!). So, I could say in words: “Canio is betrayed by the woman he loves” and you would understand what happened. The reality of hearing the music while seeing Canio smearing on his makeup, however, takes the audience to a supernatural place where the heartbreak is experienced, not simply understood;  that experience is immaterial, but very real.

Art’s value is expressing and thereby sharing this vital aspect of our lives. It reminds us who we really are and that we are all brothers and sisters in this incredible natural world because we alone can stand apart from it.

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